Mortgage Information

Your Savings and Down Payment

Your Savings and Down Payment

When preparing to buy a home, the first thing many homebuyers do is look at the real estate ads in newspapers, magazines and listings on the Internet. Some potential buyers read how-to articles like t... ...more

Mortgage Information

December 09, 20233 min read

Items You Need When Applying For a Loan

Items You Need When Applying For a Loan

Have These Items Ready When You Apply For a Loan It used to be that lenders mailed out verifications to employers, banks, mortgage companies, and so on, in order to verify the data supplied by borrowe... ...more

Mortgage Information

December 09, 20233 min read

Types of Mortgage Lenders

Types of Mortgage Lenders

Mortgage Bankers are lenders that are large enough to originate loans and create pools of loans, which are then sold directly to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, jumbo loan investors, and others. ... ...more

Mortgage Information

December 09, 20234 min read



FICO® stands for Fair Isaac & Company and is the name for the most well known credit scoring system, used by Experian. The credit bureau’s computer evaluates a complete credit profile and assigns a sc... ...more

Mortgage Information

December 09, 20232 min read

The Advantages of Different Types of Mortgage Lenders

The Advantages of Different Types of Mortgage Lenders

If you ask a loan officer, “What kind of lender is best?” the answer will be whatever kind of company he works for and he will give you a list of reasons why. ...more

Mortgage Information

December 09, 20237 min read

Which ARM is the Best Alternative?

Which ARM is the Best Alternative?

How would you like a mortgage loan where you did not have to make the whole payment if you did not want to? Or would you like a loan with an interest rate about 1% below a thirty-year fixed rate mortg... ...more

Mortgage Information

December 09, 20238 min read

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